Cookies are text files that are stored in the browser when you visit a web. They are used so that the web is able to remember your visit when you re-access. Cookies usually store technical information, personal preferences, session data, access to user accounts, etc.

We only use our own, necessary cookies, for example, to remember your language preference, to store your order information throughout the ordering process or to remember your session when you log in to your personal area.

Specifically, the following cookies are used:

  •     csrfmx: is necessary to ensure protection against Cross Site Request Forgeries. This type of attack tricks a web browser into performing an unwanted action on an application.
  •     mxsessionid: session cookie, to ensure that people accessing your client area can keep the session they have established active, or in the case of contracting a plan, store the preferences chosen until the end of the process.
  •     django_language: to remember the chosen language and continue browsing using the same.


Disable or delete cookies

If you prefer, you can block some or all of the cookies, or even remove those that have already been saved on your device, but you should note that some browsing options may not work correctly.

In order to block cookies you will have to modify the privacy settings of your browser. Here we leave the links for the most popular browsers:



Internet Explorer



Please contact us by writing an email to: contact [at] maadix [dot] net

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