Release 202402 is now available, which allows you to upgrade your operating system to Debian 11 (Bullseye). To get this latest version, go to the Control Panel and select "System" from the menu on the left, then click "Update".
To access this version, you will have to go through all the intermediate versions until you reach the previous version (202401).
Once you have reached version 202402, you can start the two-step process of upgrading your operating system to Bullseye:
First, generate a report on your system to determine if your current configuration is compatible with the automated process. This report will not include personal user data; it will only contain details about your system configuration and will serve to ensure that there are no manual installations that may conflict with the automation.
To generate this report, click on the "Send report" button also located in the left menu, under "System" and "Update". (This button will only be available if you are on version 202402).
Once you have reviewed the report and if the system status is correct, the option to continue with the upgrade will be activated. On the same page of the control panel, instead of the button for submitting the report, you will find the button to upgrade. Please note that this upgrade will take longer, as it involves a complete update of all packages and may take up to an hour, depending on the number of applications installed.
During this second step, a system account will be automatically activated that will allow our technical team to access the server in case of a crash that interrupts the process. This account will be automatically deactivated once the process is successfully completed.
To avoid data loss in the event of an error, the system will back up files and databases before applying updates.
Once you have confirmed that everything works, you can delete these copies from the Trash in the control panel to free up space.
Systems upgraded to Debian 11 will have Moodle among the available applications.
In this release, the VPN server configuration has changed, removing data compression.
If you had VPN accounts configured on client devices, these will no longer work after the update. To fix this, you can either resend the configuration file from the control panel and re-import it, or edit the connection on your client by disabling data compression.
For more information on why compression was removed, see this thread:
Please contact us by writing an email to: contact [at] maadix [dot] net
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