In order to activate MaadiX on your own server, the system must meet minimum requirements.

System requirements to enable MaadiX

    - Debian 11.x
    - RAM Memory: Minimum 2GB
    - System architecture: Intel or AMD
    - public IP
    - Root access to the system
    - Opened ports: 22 (ssh), 80 y 443 (Apache) 110, 995, 143, 993, 25 and 465 (Dovecot), 1194 (VPN), 123 (NTP)
   We only undertake to install MaadiX on servers without any previous stored data , custom configuration or other applications already installed, as it would be impossible for us to test the infinite number of different cases that could arise.

One-time installation fee: 65€ (VAT not included)

NOTE: We have found some cases in which the system or network configuration applied by the hosting provider was not canonical, which has forced us to investigate and adapt the MaadiX installation to the environment provided.
In this case, should this result in an increase in the installation fee, we will contact you before proceeding.

To request an installation or receive more information, please  contact us



Technical details on how the procedure works

MaadiX functions as a repository of application installation recipes, from which client servers can request the necessary scripts for installation and configuration.
To activate the connection between the servers and the MaadiX repository, it is necessary to have certain software and specific configurations on the client server.

MaadiX includes the automation to achieve the required status on the client servers. The steps to activate MaadiX involve granting temporary root access to MaadiX. Once finished, the configuration process itself removes this access. Accessing the system with administrator privileges means having access to all the information it contains, another reason why we only activate MaadiX on servers that do not contain data.

The procedure consists of the following actions:

1. Add our public key on the client server to grant us root access via SSH (if you don't know how to do this we can do it ourselves, but in this case we would need the server's root credentials)

2. Using this access, we proceed to the installation and activation of Ansible, which is responsible for carrying out the following configurations:

    - Hostname assignment in /etc/hosts (a name is assigned by creating a subdomain of or your own domain, if you have one)

    - DNS configuration: we will take care of this configuration, in case you want to use a subdomain of Otherwise, you will need to create the corresponding DNS entries for the subdomain you are going to use as the nameserevr.

    - Configuration of the repositories (apt-get packages)

    - Local configurations

    - Timezone configuration

    - Ansible user creation with root privileges

    - Copy the SSH keys for the Ansible user to authorized keys (to ensure SSH access)

    - Puppet Installation

    - Orchestration of certificate signing between the client server and the MaadiX repository

    - Run the first request to the repository, which installs the applications needed to use MaadiX

3. When the first request is launched, the following packages and services are installed by default:

    - OpenLDAP: Directory to create and manage user accounts and domains,  permissions and settings

    - Control panel: Graphical interface to manage the LDAP directory, as well as additional software installations

    - Postfix + Dovecot, to activate the mail server

    - Apache

    - MySQL

    - Let's Encrypt

    - Monit, a tool to monitor the system and detect possible problems or failures in the services

4. Once this installation and configuration process is finished, Ansible deactivates its own SSH access as well as that of the root user, and deletes the corresponding keys before terminating the connection. From this point on, the root user can no longer access the server via SSH. The system will have a new user with root privileges, created in the configuration process and whose credentials are sent directly from the server to the  user, who will also be forced to change at the first access.
At this moment the server is ready, and it is possible to install the applications through the graphical interface.
For this formula we have established an installation fee of 65€, which includes two months of technical support and guaranteed connection for the installation of the applications.
We have not enabled the contracting of this service via web, as it is necessary to check if the server on which you want to activate MaadiX meets all the necessary requirements.

Technical support does not cover problems that may arise from any failure in the server's hardware or network infrastructure, as MaadiX will not have access to them and will be the responsibility of the hosting service provider.


Please contact us by writing an email to: contact [at] maadix [dot] net

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