We keep improving and adding features to MaadiX. In this release we have not added new applications but we have introduced configuration and administration options for the already available applications.

Permanent deletion of disabled applications

From release 202301 onwards, you will be able to permanently delete those applications installed from the control panel that you no longer want to use. This is a permanent deletion of all data (application files, database, configuration files, etc.). The data of deleted applications, unlike deactivated ones, can no longer be recovered. If you reinstall them, they will be new instances that do not retain any of their previous configuration.

Choice between PhP version 7.4 or 8.1

You will be able to choose which version of PhP you want to use, being 8.1 the recommended one.
For the time being we have not forced the use of this version as you may have installed your own applications that could not be compatible and stop working, such as old versions of Drupal.
On the other hand Owncloud currently does not support Php 8.1, so if you have this application installed, you will not be allowed to use the newer version of Php.
In future releases we will remove the option to use php 7.4 which is already deprecated.

Enabling ACLs for domain folders

You can activate access rules for the domains you have activated from the control panel.

File system ACLs filter access to files and/or directories by telling the operating system which accounts can access them and what privileges they have.

When you upload a website, for example a Wordpress, the owner of the files is the one who created them. So if you uploaded the files via sftp/ssh they will belong to the account you used for the write operation.
On the other hand, when you add an image to the Wordpress library or install a plugin from the GUI, these files will belong to the Apache user (usually www-data).
This means that your webmaster account will not have the necessary privileges to edit these files.

By activating ACLs, this situation can be avoided by granting additional privileges on a set of objects (files or directories). If a domain has ACLs enabled from the control panel, both the webmaster account and Apache will have read/write permissions on their files so that you can edit them both from the GUI and from the filesystem.

Activation of backups with Borg (available from April 1st 2023)

From the 1st of April you will be able to order the backup service via web. In order to use it, you need to update your server up to release 202301.
The copies are made with BORG software, stored in double copies on two different remote servers and encrypted at the source. The remote servers do not know the keys needed to decrypt the copies, which are only stored on your own virtual server.

This makes it imperative that you download a copy of these keys and store them on a secure external device as a safe backup in case your server becomes inaccessible.
The MaadiX team does not keep any copies of these keys, so if you loose them you will not be able to use the backups.
Here you can find more information about how the service works and how to activate it:



Updates for the following applications are also included

  •     Nextcloud 25.0.1
  •     Dolibarr 16.0.4
  •     Puppet Client 6.24.0


Please contact us by writing an email to: contact [at] maadix [dot] net

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