Technical details

  • Hard Disk: 120 GB SSD (Software-RAID 1)
  • Processor: 2 vCore
  • RAM: 6 GB
  • IP address: 1 IPv4
  • Hypervisor: KVM
  • Monthly price: 23.50 € (Taxes not included)



El servidor Grand es ideal para equipos de trabajo que tengan un tráfico diario alto. Ofrece un buen rendimiento para la subida de archivos de tamaño mediano o grande y hasta 125 peticiones simultáneas al servidor web.

Choose a name for the server

Please, choose a billing cycle

The backups will be made with BORG and will be encrypted.
You will have to save the keys to decrypt the backups in a safe place since the MaadiX team does not keep a copy of them and in case of loss you will not be able to recover the back-ups.
You will be able to do this from the control panel once the service is activated.
More information on this page: Borg Backup

Please read carefully the terms and conditions of service contract.


Please contact us by writing an email to: contact [at] maadix [dot] net

PGP Key: 0xE5BB2110.asc

Fingerprint: EF80 C4FB CC27 7A3E 8D0B 0DD9 B48B 2A9B E5BB 2110