With this release the Rainloop application is replaced by SnappyMail
Rainloop was abandoned a couple of years ago and SnappyMail is a fork of it, which also solves several security issues, so it was essential to switch from one application to the other.

When you upgrade to this release the Rainloop application will be deactivated with no option to reactivate it..
Snappymail will be installed instead.

The default sqlite address book will be imported from Rainloop. However, if you have activated another address book, for example with Mysql,  you will have to manually reconfigure the connection parameters that you can consult in the Rainloop configuration file.

In the same way, if you have installed a plugin, you will have to reinstall it manually.

The password to access the Snappymail administration interface was set randomly at the time of migration. You can reset it from the control panel under My Applications -> SnappyMail -> configure.

Access to Snappymail will be available from both the old url (/rainloop) and the new url (/webmail).

Once you have verified that you no longer need to check any settings from the previous installation, you can permanently remove Rainloop from the My Applications-> View all tab.

The following applications are also updated in this release:
mongo  5.0.26
limesurvey  6.5.5
rocketchat  6.8.0
nextcloud  29.0.0
discourse  3.3.0
dolibarr 18.0.5
mailman  3.3.9


Please contact us by writing an email to: contact [at] maadix [dot] net

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